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The Centre for Competitive Examinations aims at training undergraduate and post-graduate students for Indian Civil Services and State Civil Services Examinations. The CCE nurtures students from the basics of exam preparation to the interview level. The Centre is fully committed to exposing students to already selected students by inviting selected Civil Servants. The training provided by the centre covers preparation for Prelims (both GS paper and C-Sat). For mains preparation, the centre is committed to teach all four GS papers of UPSC exam during their graduation along with their regular course. This kind of training provides students immense confidence that even an average student can crack the exam with commitment and persistence. For interview preparation, the centre organises debates on current issues, group discussion and finally, when a student qualifies mains examination, the centre is committed to organising mock interviews. Along with regular classes during semesters, the centre is to train students during their summer vacation by organising a summer camp when they are free from their regular course routine and free to devote their full time for the preparation of ICS examination. The centre also organises a cluster of lecture in various fields to provide world-class exposure to the students. The centre has its own teaching-learning resources. It is also facilitated by supportive faculty from various departments of our Akal University. It also brings experts of different fields to make the training more dynamic. Nevertheless, the training is without any financial burden on students and is a free facility provided by the Akal University.

Civil Services Examination Training


Year Semester General Study paper to be Completed Source Reference(s)
Geography Basic concepts of Economics
Environment Science & Technology
NCERT & AU Handouts
Shankar IAS,NCERT & AU Handouts
Polity Constitution
Modern History Medieval History
NCERT & AU Handouts
Shankar IAS,NCERT & AU Handouts
Ethics Social Issues
Economics International Relations
AU Handouts
AU Handouts & NCERT

Summer Camp Subjects/Topics to be completed
First @Geography + Environment +Science & Technology + Newspaper Discussion +Current Issues+Personality Development
Second @Polity+Constitution+History + Newspaper Discussion +Current Issues+Personality Development
Third @Ethics+Social Issues+ International Relations+Economics + Newspaper Discussion +Current Issues+Personality Development

Class/ Batch Time & Place Subject Faculty
Batch: 2017-20
Batch: 2018-21
Batch: 2019-22
6:30 AM-8:40 AM
GF Reading Room
4:30 PM-9:00 PM
GF Reading Room
Newspaper Reading
Dr.Tarunpreet Kaur
Mr.Anurag Kumar Singh