Memorandum Of Understanding
MOU's with Akal University

INFLIBNET is an Autonomous Inter-University Centre (IUC) under the University Grants Commission (UGC). As an Inter-University Centre of UGC, it plays a crucial role in the modernization and accessibility of information resources.

Oxford Brooks University (OBU)
Oxford Brookes University has over 150 years of history. It is one of the UK's top modern universities with a local, national and international reputation for teaching and research excellence. .

Indian Chamber of International Business (ICIB)
The parties endeavor in the interest of their respective members, staff and sub organisations to exchange economic and market information, statistic and business trade data pertaining to foreign business trade and investment in addition to the collaborations in Education, Research, training and' skill development initiatives wherever possible with a view to facilitate trade and sectoral contacts and activate joint projects. The parties shall also encourage joint research activities whenever possible and required.

National Digital Library of India (NDLI)
The National Digital Library of India (NDLI) is a project under the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT). It serves as a conglomeration of freely available, institutionally contributed, donated, or publisher-managed content. The NDLI offers free access to a diverse range of books in multiple languages and supports interfaces for the ten most widely used Indian languages. Managed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, it aims to enhance education through technology.

Virgina Commonwealth University (VCU)
Virginia Commonwealth University and The Kalgidhar Trust wishing to enhance relations between the two institutions and to develop academic and cultural exchange to advance the discovery of new knowledge, creative expression and innovation, enhance teaching and learning, and strengthen the positive impact on their communities, agree to work together toward the internationalization of higher education at their respective institutions.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University, Fatehgarh Sahib (Punjab)
The goal of this cooperation is to foster and develop academic and research collaboration between the two universities, to facilitate advancement of knowledge on the basis of reciprocity, best effort, mutual benefit and frequent interaction. SGGSWU and AUTS agree:
⦿ To facilitate exchange of faculty and staff for the purpose of education and/or research.
⦿ To Jointly propose and engage in research or training programmes as per national priorities; sponsored by funding agencies, and to invite each other’s faculty to participate therein.
⦿ To exchange the information on research and educational programmes, teaching, learning material and other literature, with due approval of the competent authority of both the organizations.
⦿ To jointly organize short-term continuing education programmes on topics of mutual interest and to invite each other’s faculty to participate therein.
⦿ To jointly organize seminars, conferences, or workshops on topics of mutual interest and to invite each other’s faculty to participate therein.
⦿ To exchange, on a reciprocal basis, students/scholars for limited periods of time for purpose of education and/or research.
⦿ To encourage any other academic/research activities that both the institutions will agree to be of mutual benefit.

A Memorandum of Understanding Between Synergy University, Moscow, Russia And Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab, India
AKAL UNIVERSITY, TALWANDI SABO, BATHINDA, PUNJAB, INDIA and SYNERGY UNIVERSITY, MOSCOW, RUSSIA recognize the value of establishing a collaborative relationship and to explore, develop and implement joint activities that are mutually beneficial; and hereby enter into memorandum of understanding to use their collective expertise and resources to promote academic exchange and cooperation in teaching and research in business for the mutual advancement of learning by:
⦿ Promoting cultural and academic exchange for the students by a short/medium and long term student exchange programs / summer schools in various faculties run by the respective university.
⦿ Promoting faculty exchange for better academic understanding and advancement.
⦿ Involving faculty from both the institutions in preparing curriculum and imparting instructions in the newly established programs and arranged for the participation of faculties/students in seminars and conferences organized by the respective institutions.
⦿ Involving faculties and students from both the institutions in preparing case studies relevant to the contemporary international business environment.
⦿ Exploring possibilities of offering joint degrees for bachelor’s/Masters level program in management, leadership and hospitality.
⦿ Encouraging student exchanges at under/post Graduate levels: exchanging academic and technical information of mutual interest and identifying opportunities in joint research and development in specific disciplines of interest.

Borough of Manhattan Community College of the City University of New York (BMCC)
⦿ Formal structures for cross-campus faculty collaboration on research/ pedagogy/ curricular development.
⦿ Student exchange/study abroad.
⦿ Formal, course-based student collaborations across institutions.
⦿ Additional collaborations as the two institutions determine are in the mutual interest of their students and faculty.

PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi
⦿ PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi.
⦿ Industrial Research & Consultancy.
⦿ Sponsored industrial research.
⦿ Research guidance from industry.
⦿ Internship guidance.

Eternal University, Baru Sahib (HP)
The goal of this cooperation is to foster and development of academic and research collaboration between the two universities to facilitate advancement of knowledge on the basis of reciprocity, best effort, mutual benefit and frequent interaction. EUBS and AUTS agree:
⦿ To facilitate exchange of faculty and staff for the purpose of education and/or research.
⦿ To jointly propose and engage in research or training programmes as per national priorites; sponsored by funding agencies, and to invite each other’s faculty to participate therein.
⦿ To exchange the information on research and educational programmes, teaching, learning malarial and other Literature, with due approval of the competent authority of both the organizations.
⦿ To jointly organize short-term continuing education programmes on topics of mutual interest and to Invite each other’s faculty lo participate therein.
⦿ To jointly organize seminars, conferences, or workshops on topics of mutual interest and to invite each other’s faculty to participate therein.
⦿ To exchange, on a reciprocal basis, students/scholars for limited periods of time for purpose of education and/or research.
⦿ To encourage any other academic/research activities that both the institutions agreed to be mutual benefit.

Kashmir University, the Department of Earth Sciences University of Kashmir, Srinagar-190006, Jammu & Kashmir, India And Department of Physics Akal University, Bhatinda, Punjab, India
Through this memorandum both parties affirm the value of collaboration to promote the following activities:
⦿ Joint research projects in the fields of mutual interests.
⦿ Exchange of Academic publications and reports.
⦿ Opportunities for faculty and staff development and exchange.
⦿ Exchange of visiting research scholars including post graduate students.
⦿ Other activities as mutually agreed.

MOU between Akal University and Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE)
Responsibilities of MGNCRE
⦿ Providing the course curriculum developed by the institute.
⦿ Providing the online course content to the students and faculties of AU.
⦿ Allow AU students to participate in workshops and faculty members to participate in FDPs organised by MGNCRE
⦿ Providing the opportunities of industry-academic meet to the students and faculty members of AU.
⦿ Helping the students for arranging Summer Internships and Placements.
⦿ Displaying the Mol and Logo in their website.
Responsibilities of AU
⦿ Introduce the Rural Management course at the Bachelors and Masters levels in the university.
⦿ Promote the course.
⦿ Utilise the course content, curriculum developed by the MGNCRE.
⦿ Participate in workshops and FDPs organized by the MGNCRE, free of cost.
⦿ Both the parties seek to enhance relationships and recognize the benefits to be derived from increased collaboration, cooperation and interaction for further promotion.
⦿ On behalf of First Party Dr. Sawarn Singh will be the point of contact for further correspondence.
⦿ On behalf of Second Party Dr. Rajewar Jonnalagadda, Director, Rural Management Program will be the point of contact for further correspondence.
⦿ This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force on the basis of goodwill and shall not be legally bound.

Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP)
Within the framework of the regulations applying in each institute, and subject to the availability of resources, the following programmes and activities will be encouraged:
⦿ exchange of staff.
⦿ joint research projects.
⦿ joint conferences and other academic meetings.
⦿ exchange of academic materials and information.
⦿ exchange of students.
⦿ joint publications.

IITK Foundation for Advanced Continuing Education and Training
AKAL University, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab requires the following support for helping increase the knowledge and industry relevant courses for students and also training their faculty on the latest technologies and enhancing the coding, professional and computing skills of both faculty and students of institutions associated with the Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab.

Responsibilities of Internshala:
⦿ Create student accounts for all the students registered by the University.
⦿ Provide weekly internship update to all the students registered by the University as per their filled in preferences
⦿ Provide an online resume makes to all the students of the University registered with Internshala.
⦿ Safeguard students’ data as per Internshala privacy policy
⦿ Inform the University when students get selected for an internship.
⦿ Provide University with Internshala logo and brand name to be used in University’s communications (internal or external) and on its website to recognize Internshala as the internship and training partner and any other purpose. limited to the scope of the agreement.
Responsibilities of University:
⦿ Recognize Internshala as the internship and training partner in all internal and external communications including on its website and in admission/media brochures.
⦿ Send a communication to all the students and faculties regarding the association and direct/encourage students to verify their accounts.
⦿ Provide the information of all the interested students of the University as required by Internshala for their registration, The information should contain the first name, last name, mobile number and the email address of all the students of the University.
⦿ Regularly post a list of students selected for internships through Internshala every month on the University’s notice board.
⦿ Authorize Internshala to recognize University, using University logo and/or brand name, as a registered user in its communications (internal or external) and on Internshala platform only for the purpose limited to the scope of the agreement.

Sabudh Foundation
⦿ Provide Industry ready training in advanced technologies such as Machine Learning, Al, Cyber Security, loE
⦿ Bring social problems for researchers to engage with
⦿ Bring our extensive network of world wide academics and industry leaders and industry leaders to interact.
⦿ Train students in advances in Machine Learning, Al and other future technologies
⦿ Work with AUTS to bring funding for social projects
⦿ Raise awareness of the great work on the subject happening in the Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan region
⦿ Organise dissemination workshops
⦿ Provide access to top companies in this space for student employment
⦿ Attract industry to engage/invest with research in the university
⦿ Attract investment in the region in advanced technologies
⦿ Provide Master/PhD thesis opportunities to students
⦿ Run faculty development programmes
⦿ Run awareness workshops in departments of the Akal University on how these advanced technologies can help advance their own subject areas
⦿ Co-teach modules on advanced technology areas
⦿ Create data repositories associated with local context
⦿ Filter good students for the six month internship at the Sabudh Foundation
⦿ Faculty to engage in research on social good projects with the Sabudh Foundation on topics of interest
⦿ Provide international mentorship to students at the Foundation on projects of interest
⦿ Produce e-content for training students in topics of expertise
⦿ Provide a single point of contact that will actively participate in regular Steering Committee meetings

Memorandum of Understanding Between StudentLink and Àkal University
Forms of Co-operation
Within such fields as are mutually acceptable for the Parties, the following forms of co-operation, amongst others, may be pursued hereunder:
⦿ E-Placement of Students
⦿ Representing the University to Companies for on-Campus and off-campus recruitment
⦿ Promotion of University on StudentLink website
⦿ Security of Personal information of an individual. The information will be shared with the third party if we have received explicit consent from the individual.

National Testing Agency (NTA), An MOU/Agreement
This Memorandum of Undertaking is made on this day, the September 17, 2019 between ‘National Testing Agency’ (NTA), herein after referred to as NTA, having its office at C-20, 1A/8 Sector 62, IT Kanpur Outreach Centre, Noida 201309, which expression shall include authorized representative of First Party

MOU for Cooperation between the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA) and Akal University (India)
Based on the principles of mutual benefit and respect for each other’s independence, the two institutions will foster:
⦿ Student and academic and administrative staff exchanges
⦿ Joint research activities
⦿ Exchanges of academic material

Consortium of Higher Education Institution (CHEI)
Joint responsibilities:
⦿ Offer joint degree/diploma/certificate courses to advance the field of education, research and promote cutting-edge lines of study.
⦿ Provide a forum for academic, research, technical institutions and hospitals to share infrastructure, equipment, library and other resources.
⦿ Joint supervision of PhD programs, projects, internship and dissertation work of graduate and postgraduate students.
⦿ Conduct joint training programs, seminars, webinars, and conferences to promote knowledge and enhance research and other skills.
⦿ Joint research projects for attracting extramural funding.
⦿ Collaborative efforts to address the environmental and health issues of the region.
⦿ Promote faculty-student exchange
⦿ Promote entrepreneurial activity.
⦿ Joint consultancy work.
⦿ Organize joint placement drives.