Chancellor’s Message

Honorable Baba Dr Davinder Singh ji MBBS, MD. Delhi University
Three centuries ago, the tenth Master, Guru Gobind Singh Ji stayed at Talwandi Sabo, finalized the compilation of Guru Granth Sahib Ji and prophesied that this place will manifest as Guru Ki Kashi, a great Centre of teaching and learning from where will emerge great scholars of Sikhism. About two centuries thereafter, establishment of Gurmat Vidyalaya by Sant Attar Singh Ji Maharaj was the first step in this direction. About a century thereafter, establishment of Akal University, Talwandi Sabo under the leadership of Hon’ble late Baba Iqbal Singh Ji was culmination of what the tenth Guru prophesied about three centuries ago. The vision statement enunciated by Sant Attar Singh Ji Maharaj, objectified creation of outstanding human beings who could spread the message of love and spiritual brotherhood not only in this country, but the entire world. 'Sanskar Nirman' is the 'Mantra' which the founding fathers had proposed to be the foundation on which the educational edifice of this institution was to rest.
The campus, with its beautiful diversity of students from all over the region, provides ample opportunity to young boys and girls to express themselves uninhibitedly and evolve into outstanding human beings who have nerves of steel and at the same time possess unlimited patience, forbearance, tolerance and love for the entire humanity.